About Synergy Physiotherapy & Pilates
Synergy Physiotherapy & Pilates has been serving patients of all backgrounds and conditions in the heart of the Brisbane CBD for well over 15 years. All our practitioners are well experienced but continue to upgrade skills and knowledge via participation in professional development.
We firmly believe that your physiotherapy visit remains your time. You are visiting our centre for your personalised care and your appointment is yours only. On time, no interruptions, no distractions!
You will have our dedicated, undivided attention and be able to access our expert knowledge and skills in treatment. During your visit, our assessment, advice and recommendations for treatment are our service. You are encouraged to be involved in all decision making and educated to be proactive in preventing and treating any musculoskeletal problems.
Synergy Physiotherapy and Pilates practitioners are professional, caring and friendly, providing services which are cost effective and accessible.
Payment for all treatment is required on the day.
For your convenience, we have on-site HICAPS (health fund claims) and EFTPOS and Credit Card facilities.
All our physiotherapists' are preferred providers for BUPA, Medibank Private and nib members. Members of these health funds can be assured of a known, lower out-of-pocket expense when attending our practices.
Our appointment times are scheduled specifically for your care and attention. If you are running late or are unable to attend your appointment, please contact our centre immediately. We request that you notify us with at least 24hrs notice if you cannot attend. This way we can accommodate other waiting patients.
For interested allied health professionals, Synergy Health Brisbane City is looking for like-minded practitioners to become part of our successful team. We also offer exciting opportunities for associate and assistant practitioners to join our team.